Monday, April 5, 2010

Would you rather...?

a) train for and run a marathon

b) give up chocolate, wine, AND cheese

In my last post, I spoke about the sheer terror of b)... and now, my colleague Tara Holmes is trying to convince me to run the marathon she's doing in Victoria this October.

Oh wait, now there's a third option:

c) give up chocolate, wine, AND cheese... because you're training for and running a marathon

...excuse me while I go dry-heave in the corner.

Here's the thing. I really, REALLY want to run a marathon at some point in my life. It's on my bucket list. But I'm not stupid... I realize the time and energy commitment this requires. I'm also aware that training for an October marathon means running excessively in the HEAT of a Kamloops summer. I'm also aware that I can solve that dilemma by forcing myself to wake up at 5am to go running... joy! I am also aware that I am NOT a morning person. So to sum up, training for this marathon is going to require a major lifestyle adjustment.

But then again... I am in the best shape I've ever been in right now (and still working to improve it), thanks to the Fit Centre, and I'm really happy with my running ability right now. And I have a meeting with trainer Lorilee this Friday night to go over my nutrition plan and develop a program that would match my training needs... IF I decide to sign up... so I do have that added support.

And reflecting on my last post, about setting concrete goals... well, a marathon definitely IS one in itself. But I think the training will force me to be super accountable about what I put into my body. Never will the whole "food for fuel" concept be so important.

But... still. A marathon?! REALLY? Am I really going to do this to myself?

Back to the dry-heaving...

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