Friday, April 16, 2010

Fast, yummy recipe!

First off, a big thank-you to trainers Amy and Lorilee for working my chest and arms SO BADLY the last couple of days, that I'm typing this with noodle arms ;)

Secondly, a big thank-you to trainer Amy for giving me a great recipe tonight! I happened to mention I was trying to think up something creative to make with ground turkey. She told me to mix it in a bowl with one egg, some mustard (I used a mix of yellow and dijon), and some curry (mix it well so the curry spreads evenly). Either bake it in a loaf or in muffin cups (my choice, to reduce the mess and cleanup!)... I baked 'em at 400F until they were cooked... AWESOME! I'm a curry lover... AND a fan of easy dishes to whip up... so this was a goodie.

Looking forward to circuit class and the open house in the a.m.! It's a tight race for Biggest Loser... best of luck to those of you in the running for the big prize!!!


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