Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Sunday was an awesome day.

I can't describe what it feels like, to walk down the block and see it transformed... with banners and balloons and a sea of red... thousands of people getting ready to test themselves at the Kamloops Daily News Boogie. That's why I love road races :)

I was nervous when I woke up that morning. My calf still hurt. I added some heat and stretched it out, as instructed... ate my pre-race meal... then headed downtown, unsure of whether the calf would hold out for me.

I swear, there were 3 of 4 times during the half-marathon where I thought I actually might not finish. The pain would flare up about every 4k, then suddenly dissipate. On the last hill right before the finish line, I felt like I was DONE... but i kept going... and then it was downhill on 1st street, around the corner... and when I saw that finish line up the block, I BOLTED. I passed the two women who'd been ahead of me the entire time. I finished SO strong... and was shocked to see that I even beat my personal best by about three minutes. My official time: 2:17:23. Not bad for a slightly injured gal :)

And now? I am STIFF, especially since I hadn't done ANY physical activity all week to rest the calf. But I am proud of myself!!

Back at the gym soon. See ya there!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Hey, I just randomly came up with a tasty breakfast idea! Take some toast, spread a thin layer of mashed avocado on it, and put a layer of those hemp hearts (available at Fit Centre) on top. SO good! I actually think it might make a pretty good pre-race meal tomorrow for Boogie... magical!

Happy weekending! I'm gonna go grab a coffee and wander downtown now...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Gettin' ready to Boogie!


Sorry for the hiatus-- always a zillion things going on, no? This week, it was attending to my sore calf. I went out for a run last Sunday and out of nowhere, it started to hurt. After researching calf strains online, I realized that heading out on a run partially dehydrated is NOT a good idea... apparently that's a major cause. So too is a lack of stretching. Rap my knuckles, please :) (But not my calves!)

However, I had a wonderful massage this morning and got that knot worked right out! A few more days of icing and resting, and I should be Boogie-ready!! I'm talking about Boogie the Bridge, of course... this Sunday! Will you be running or walking? Got a 5k or 10k or 21.1k goal to conquer? Or maybe you'll be one of those wonderful people cheering us on!! We need you. *I* will need you, especially at about the 17 or 18k mark when my body starts screaming "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME? YOU WANT TO STOP!! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO STOP!!!"

I don't want to stop :)

Good luck to anyone else taking part in Boogie!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Therapy needed... stat.

Oh my GOSH, do I need to go out for a run. I am having a REALLY bad day. I'm stressed to the max at work, got in a phone fight with my mother last night, and am pondering some pretty big life questions at the moment.

I know the short-term cure would be a nice long RUN... but I am stuck at work until 7pm. But I swear, at 7:01pm I am going to rush home and get into my running gear and BOOK IT for as long as I can until it gets dark. Yup, I'm THAT stressed :)

Running has always been a good stress release for me... what are some of yours? I've mentioned before that mine used to involve food an awful lot (specifically, cookies) ;) Anyone else managed to break a similar bad habit?

On another note, what a fantastic circuit class and open house at the Fit Centre on Saturday! Grueling though... I was sweatin' buckets! Congrats to our winners... it would be nice to hear from you guys on this blog, to find out what worked so well for you... or from any of you, really! Inspire us!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Fast, yummy recipe!

First off, a big thank-you to trainers Amy and Lorilee for working my chest and arms SO BADLY the last couple of days, that I'm typing this with noodle arms ;)

Secondly, a big thank-you to trainer Amy for giving me a great recipe tonight! I happened to mention I was trying to think up something creative to make with ground turkey. She told me to mix it in a bowl with one egg, some mustard (I used a mix of yellow and dijon), and some curry (mix it well so the curry spreads evenly). Either bake it in a loaf or in muffin cups (my choice, to reduce the mess and cleanup!)... I baked 'em at 400F until they were cooked... AWESOME! I'm a curry lover... AND a fan of easy dishes to whip up... so this was a goodie.

Looking forward to circuit class and the open house in the a.m.! It's a tight race for Biggest Loser... best of luck to those of you in the running for the big prize!!!


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Support = Success

Trainer Lorilee is the best.

I asked her to revamp my nutrition plan, especially for when I start my marathon training in June. I sent her my detailed training plan, which shows the gradually increased running distances in each of the 18 weeks.... and she developed such an awesome plan for me. Three different calorie counts depending on the day!

My training plan per week consists of 4 running days, 1 cross-training day (could be cycling, swimming, yoga, whatever), and 2 rest days. So on my rest days, because I still want to lose weight, I'll get an allowance of 1200 calories. On the three days per week when I do shorter runs, I'll get 1600 calories. I'll do one long run per week, and on that day (plus the day before, when I'll need the extra carbs), I get 1700 calories. We'll watch my training performance and adjust accordingly if need be.

Anyway, the fact she took the time to do this doesn't surprise me. That's partly what factored into my decision to sign up for the marathon... because I knew I'd have that support from the Fit Centre. And that's HUGE. I know I've mentioned before how much fitter I am because of the Fit Centre training I've been doing... and how much it's improved my running, especially my endurance... but to have that support on the mental and nutritional side as well is SO important. I knew I had to take advantage of this special gift I've been given to work with these trainers, and make this marathon happen THIS YEAR.

What are some of your big dreams? Would love to hear them!

I know people have had trouble posting comments. Don't get confused when it asks you to pick a profile from the drop-down menu. Just pick "name/url" and type your name in (leave 'url' blank) and it should work!

Happy dreaming!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's official...

...I am now registered for the Royal Victoria Marathon on October 10, 2010 :)