Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I can do it... right?!

So despite my disappointing showing during this 10-pound challenge, the Kamloops Fit Centre has KINDLY agreed to let me give it another shot. So this time, I need to make a REAL commitment... not a fluffy, goal-less, nonchalant one but a REAL one.

I'm thinking about making a list of the reasons I want to lose weight, a list of specific goals, and some of the things I'm willing to give up to make it happen. You're probably thinking, 'umm... didn't you do that months ago?' (maybe like the rest of you did!)... and the answer is a big fat "NOPE!"

I'm always good at the 'beginning' of something... whether it's a competition, learning a new skill, or taking up a new hobby. But then I get bored and give up on things REALLY easily. It's one part of my personality that sometimes irks me. In some ways, it's a trait that's been good to me... I've made awesome career moves and seen really unique places around the world, because my boredom and need for new challenges have led me to those things. But in this case, as evidenced by my weight GAIN the past two months, it hasn't helped me out so much ;)

I realized today, when fellow contestants Carly and Anita joined Lorilee and I for our Midday segment, that I haven't really made the lifestyle changes that are necessary to keep the weight off. As Carly talked about the positive changes she's made and has been sticking to, it really hit me that I just lost a bunch of weight last winter and then went right back to some of my old habits by spring.

The fitness part, I love... that's the only thing that's stayed consistent. It's the eating part that is SO hard for me. So now comes 'The List.' What am I going to give up? I hate to say it... but I'm afraid I have to give up wine. And chocolate. And cheese. And that is TERRIFYING ;)

See, I DID give up all those things last fall... but over the past few months, they have slowly creeped their way back in. They need to get back out... and STAY OUT! I wish I was one of those lovely people, who say 'everything in moderation' and eat a morsel of chocolate and let it go without eating the rest of the bar. I am not one of those people.

But maybe that's another issue. Maybe it's bad to keep telling yourself you're one way or the other. Maybe it's time I grow a spine and MAKE THE CHOICE to only allow those moderate indulgences when I've worked hard that day for them.

It's so logical... but why is it so hard?!?!?!!!! :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Wow. I am up to my eyeballs in work. I want to update the blog and am just swamped. I can't even string words together right now! I'm actually REALLY looking forward to tonight's workout... I need to burn some serious stress!!!

How do the rest of you burn stress? Have you made any changes since this process started? I know I sometimes like to handle stress by eating a lot of cookies. I now realize that's not constructive :)


Friday, March 26, 2010


I've been thinking all afternoon about the comment posted on my last blog post. I do feel bad if the writer felt I was pushing unrealistic goals; that wasn't my intention. But it got me thinking that maybe we need to acknowledge we all have different goals, and they're all valid.

Of course I don't want to be the plastic-surgeried Barbie; but I want to look good in a bikini for once in my life. I want to see muscles pop out that I never knew existed (I get REALLY excited when I see one!) I want to wake up in the morning, and put on clothes without giving a thought to trying to hide something unflattering. I guess I want my body to reflect the work I put into it... and when I look at those pictures in the fitness magazines, I see leanness and definition and well... work! Sure, there is airbrushing and touching-up... but there is genuine work there as well. When you compare them to the models you see in fashion magazines that are just skinny, with no atheticism, you see a difference. And I see it when I look at our trainers. You look at them and you see hard work, and I find that impressive.

We're all pursuing this challenge for different reasons. Some of us want to be healthier. Some of us want to break bad habits. And some of us want a major transformation... not unlike the kind we see in the 'real' Biggest Loser program (which our contest is based on). I look at someone like Stephen, who I believe is on his third round of our competition... and I'm amazed. I saw him in the gym a week or so ago after not seeing him for quite awhile, and could not believe how much weight he had lost; but not only that; how freakin' FIT the guy was. He was operating at lightning speed, incredibly focused, and giving 120%. He reminds me of those contestants I see on TV.

Some of us aren't there yet. I envy his focus. Here I am, doing my second round and failing miserably. I'm probably the only person in the group that has GAINED weight this time around. But I DO want to be transformed. I just have to find my focus again. I'm overturning rocks as we speak ;)

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't believe THAT kind of transformation is out of reach for any of us... if that's indeed what you want. So whatever your goal is... keep on truckin'.

On a side note, I've messed up my neck and am icing and heating up a storm! It IS helping (thanks Mikkie!) so I should be back in business this coming week. I miss my evening workout gals!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


So awhile back on Midday,I think when we were talking about how to avoid nighttime snacking, when trainer Lorilee mentioned reading fitness mags like Oxygen to keep yourself inspired. I didn't give it a second thought, until last night when I finally had a few minutes to flip through the Oxygen and the Runner's World mags I had bought in the last couple of weeks. Holy crap! Thinspiration! :) I thought it might be helpful to put a few images up around my kitchen, to remind myself of what I one day want to look like.

The first one is from Runner's World, and it's just a lean, fit runner... something to aspire to, and also, I want to go out running one day in a bra top! You'll notice I also strategically placed this woman's image next to the bag of rice cakes sitting in my cupboard (yes, I bought them again). "NO MORE USELESS CARBS" she yells at me! :)

The second one, I included because I needed some bikini inspiration for the summer. I actually think this woman is a bit too skinny for my liking (not to mention the boob job), but she does serve to remind me that the days of the two-piece are right around the corner. She is situated next to the box of Fibre 1 cereal... definitely a better carb than the rice cakes, but not as good as what I KNOW I should be eating with my egg whites in the morning... the dreaded steel-cut oatmeal ;)

The third one is more of my "ideal" look... she seems more athletic, with a little bit more meat on her bones. She looks like she authentically worked out to get her shape, unlike her blonde predecessor (she was in an ad pushing some supplement).

Anyway, the moral of the story is that if I want their rip-roaring abs and lean figures, I gotta get the HELL off the carb train. STAT!

p.s. putting on your bikini also helps with that whole 'motivation' thing. ick.

Happy de-carbing!

Monday, March 22, 2010

New habits

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. Sorry I missed circuit again... I was at home in Vancouver, visiting my family and some friends. It was fun!

But my little weekend jaunt has spurred today's topic... new habits! Good habits! You know what I did when I packed my wee little suitcase this weekend? I put in my running shoes... and exercise clothes! I drove down Friday night, and instead of sleeping in the next morning, I set my alarm for 7AM (and the Fit Centre trainers who have seen how haggard I am first thing on a weekday a.m. can only IMAGINE how grumpy I am at that hour on a weekend)... and I went RUNNING. I did 10k. I was pleased with myself :)

What a change from a 'normal' weekend away. 'Normal' used to involve sleeping in... this time, I got off my butt and RAN. 'Normal' used to involve going out boozing with my pals... this time, it involved a single glass of white wine. 'Normal' used to involve a big family dinner... this time, I asked my parents to make something nutritious, and took a smaller portion of everything. And I think this is what that 'balance' thing is all about... being able to enjoy that glass of wine, or that meal that (gasp!) someone else has prepared (which is hard when you're counting every morsel and calorie on your own)... because you know you've put in the hard work exercise-wise already that day.

Anyhoo, I was happy to have made that choice to not abandon my diet and nutrition plans completely while out of town. Hopefully it sticks!

And can I just say, I am THRILLED to see more people contributing to the blog!! What fantastic comments you've made... keep it up! PLEASE! :)

Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So yesterday, I was so proud of myself... basking in the glow of my remarkable running achievement... and surprised that aside from a little leg soreness, I really wasn't in pain!

I went to the gym, where our group worked our core with Mikkie. I felt so good afterward, I actually went upstairs and ran on the treadmill! I was astounded at how great I felt!!!!

And then I got up this morning. And I couldn't WALK.

I've been lumbering around like Frankenstein all day. Every part of me hurts... my arms, my back, my butt, my quads, my calves... but nothing worse than my hamstrings. Oof.

I managed to make it through my chest and triceps workout somehow, but man... I HURT.

Lesson learned: wait TWO days before bragging about how great you feel after achieving an intense physical feat... haha!!

Happy training!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stick a fork in me...

...I am DONE. Exhausted.

So yesterday, a cold I've been trying to fend off (thanks to my co-workers) hit me hard when I woke up... I ended up skipping out on circuit class (sorry!) but the extra sleep did me good. I took it easy all day... got my grocery shopping done (nary a rice cake or jar of peanut butter in sight now!), watched the movie Precious (it's really good!) and cooked a healthy stir-fry for dinner (lean pork n' zucchini n' carrots n' red peppers n' onions, oh my!)

Today was a different story. I guess the rest helped, because I felt a zillion times better. So I went out for a run, hoping to make it through 12k today. I wore my brand-new running shoes (thanks to Runner's Sole for exchanging a previous pair that were too tight!) and tried some new energy chews (I'm experimenting as I prep for my half-marathon). I only ate a couple and didn't bring them with me, 'cause I thought I was only going to run 12k... but I felt SO insanely good while running (windstorm and all)... that I ended up running 21.1k! That's a half-marathon, baby... yeah! Ran it in 2:25:00, which I thought was respectable (especially given that I was running against that brisk wind for a lot of it).

But the fun didn't stop there. After stretching (using my classic Fit Centre moves) and showering (I was gross)... I got to work in the kitchen. I made a big batch of them sweet potato pancakes (yum), grilled a big batch of chicken (ugh) (sorry, gettin' real sick of chicken), made an experimental pot roast in my new slow cooker (well i did that before running... it turned out alright, but i needed to spice it up a bit more methinks!), sliced a bunch of veggies and some apples for the food dehydrator... after all that and the cleanup... I have now collapsed in front of the TV :) So I thought it was a good time to update the blog and reflect on the weekend.

It's amazing to me how one day, the body can tell you it needs rest; and the next day, be raring to go. I don't know if it was the new shoes, or the new chews (that rhymes! ha!), or something mental... but I felt lighter than the air I was running through today. I only started to struggle from 17K onward, and I was proud of myself for pushing through to the finish.

It made me realize today that my hard work at the Fit Centre is paying off in ways I didn't expect. I might chide myself that the number on the scale is not perfect right now... but my physical fitness has improved a LOT since I started the program last fall... and I am so grateful for that. I am warrior! Hahaha.

Now let's work on that mental fitness and motivation, ya? :) It's been a struggle the last couple of months... there's been a lot going on. But I finally feel as though my head is clearing... and I hope that bodes well for the rest of my fitness journey.

Hope the rest of you had a great weekend!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

New poll!

Check it out at the bottom of the blog.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Sorry for the week-long hiatus from the blog... it's been a crazy busy week! Work has been nuts, and I've been keeping busy at the gym. Circuit last weekend was tough but AWESOME (as per usual)... and trainer Amy has given me two swift butt-kickings, the last two nights in a row! I just feel really good right now. Even though my weight is still off (hint: WAY TOO HIGH), I've been working harder on the fitness end of things and feeling great. Things are tightening, people are noticing and complimenting again, and I just feel lean and strong again (with the exception of the poufy belly... still on that rice cake kick... ugh!)

Speaking of rice cakes, when the last few left in my cupboard are done, they are DONE. They must be banished, because I can't stop eating them. Here's a list of the other things I have banished:

-Peanut butter
-Low-sugar strawberry jam (the two were being eaten in tandem WAY too often)
-Bread (yes, it snuck back into my cupboard)

I also recently banished oatmeal BECAUSE I HATE IT. But I know I have to bring it back (sigh). I really do hate it. I don't care what you people say you add to it... apple slices, almonds, stevia, cinnamon, blah blah blah it's GROSS. :)

But here's one thing I've thought about banishing, but cannot, for I am weak: COKE ZERO. It's the only sugary-tasting thing that takes the edge off when I'm climbing the walls for dessert. So I'm keeping that. Sorry. :)

It's funny though, how this whole thing makes you develop tastes for foods you never would have tried. Mikkie got me hooked on dehydrated kale (yum). I also decided to try cottage cheese again, and while I once hated it, I now LOVE it. Tres bizarre.

So how's the food thing going for you guys? Tried anything new that was surprisingly good? Struggling to keep something out of your cupboard that you just can't resist?

Happy eating!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chew on this.

If you've got a bit of time today, check out these excerpts from Jessica Simpson's interview yesterday with Oprah. It's from my favourite gossip site-- which you really need to read daily to understand the references and the nicknames-- just ignore all that stuff and watch the clips.

I was shocked to hear that the so-called 'mom jeans' that landed Jessica Simpson on the cover of every tabloid, that had people calling her FAT, were a size 4. Sure, she's a short woman-- but really? She's not even in the double-digits of dress sizes and she's getting subjected to name-calling?

Anyway, the real reason I wanted to share this with you was to highlight the part where they talk about beauty being whatever we say it is. And I realize the hypocrisy of saying that, as a TV personality who spackles makeup to her face everyday and makes a choice to look a certain way. But where does that pressure come from? It's worth thinking about.

Have a beautiful day!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Trainer Ryan makes my thighs quiver.

Did that get your attention??? ;) Since there aren't too many of you offering up your comments, I thought I would try to shock you into it with a saucy headline. Sorry to embarrass Trainer Ryan in the process... hahaha!

Get your minds out of the gutter, people!!! I'm talking about the lower body routine he put me and Jennifer through last night. Most of it was a circuit. We walked sideways up and down the stairs, squatting every 4 stairs; calf raises (HATE them!); high knees on the steppers; those hamstring curl things on the ball (with resistance from the slave driver!); crunches on the ball; and the exercise that really induced the aforementioned thigh-burning... it was this side to side leg stretch, kind of mimicking skating... it looked innocent enough, until you were 30 seconds into it and wondering if amputation might feel better ;) Once THAT fun was over, it was many, many lunges... and other assorted 'goodies.'

Needless to say, I woke up this morning feeling the burn... the thighs were the worst, the butt a close second. But as I like to repeat during this process: "that's how we know it's working, right?" :)

Anyhow, hope you're all enjoying the pain as much as I am! I've been away many weekends since this challenge began, so I haven't gotten a chance to get to know most of you at Saturday circuit. That's why you need to start sharing your experiences on the blog!!!! :)

But now that the Olympic party and various weekend commitments are over, I'll be here for the time being... and back at circuit this Saturday! And I can't WAIT. I miss the cameraderie... there's so much laughter to be had during this process, no? :) I think being back with a big group of people with the same goal will help with that motivation issue I've been struggling with. I need a boost, people! See you Saturday.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Exercise and arthritis

Trainer Lorilee recently came on The Midday Show, with some exercise tips for those dealing with arthritis. Enjoy!

Exercise and Arthritis

If you have arthritis, exercise is essential. For anyone, exercise increases energy levels, helps develop a better sleep pattern, helps with weight control, maintains a healthy heart, increases bone and muscle strength, decreases depression and fatigue, serves to improve self-esteem and self-confidence.

Exercise is important for healthy joints. Moving your joints daily helps keep them fully mobile. Strengthening the surrounding muscles helps support the joints. Also, joint movement transports nutrients and waste products to and from the cartilage, the material which protects and cushions the ends of the bones.

Exercise And Arthritis - Types of Exercise
There are different types of exercise and it's important for you to understand why each is important.

Range-of-motion Exercises
Range-of-motion exercises are gentle stretching exercises that aim to move each joint through their normal maximum range of motion. These exercises need to be done daily to help keep joints fully mobile and prevent stiffness and deformities.
Range-of-motion exercises are important for arthritis patients who -- because of intense or chronic pain -- shy away from moving their joints through their full range. Some people believe that normal daily activities take joints through their full range of motion but this is not the case. Normal daily activities, such as housework, dressing, bathing, and cooking are not a substitute for range-of-motion exercises.

Strengthening Exercises
Strengthening exercises help increase muscle strength. Strong muscles help support the joints -- making the joints more stable and helping you move more easily and with less pain. The two types of strengthening exercises are isometric and isotonic.
Isometric exercises involve tightening the muscles, without moving the joints. These exercises are especially useful when joint motion is impaired.
Isotonic exercises involve strengthening the muscles by moving the joints.

Endurance Exercises
Endurance exercises are physical activities that bring your heart rate up to your optimal target level for at least 20 to 30 minutes. Your target heart rate is computed based on age and physical condition. By raising the heart rate, endurance exercises improve cardiovascular fitness. Endurance exercises should be performed at least three times a week to build on their effectiveness.

Many arthritis patients who regularly perform endurance exercises find they are able to increase physical strength, develop a better mental attitude, and improve arthritis symptoms.

Not all arthritis patients are able to perform endurance exercises however. For example, patients with long-term rheumatoid arthritis who have severe joint damage and functional limitations may be unable to do this type of activity. Endurance exercises for arthritis patients need to be chosen carefully to avoid joint injury.

Exercise Choices
You should always discuss exercise plans and goals with your doctor before starting a routine or program. There may be exercises that are off-limits because they could cause injury or further joint damage, espeically when joints are swollen and inflamed. The amount and form of exercise recommended for each individual will vary depending on type of arthritis, joints involved, levels of inflammation, stability of joints, joint replacements, or other physical limitations.

Exercise Guidelines
To obtain the maximum benefit from an exercise program:
-Be consistent. Exercise should be performed daily. In order to see results and obtain full benefits from exercise, it cannot be done sporadically.
-Build up gradually. The best exercise program is one which begins at a low intensity and builds up gradually as symptoms permit. Too much exercise, especially initially, can worsen symptoms.
-Exercise when symptoms are least distressing. The best time to exercise is when pain and stiffness are at a minimum. Some people with arthritis prefer exercising after morning stiffness subsides. Others dislike afternoon exercise sessions because they grow more tired as the day progresses. It's a matter of personal preference.
-Do not overdo. Many strengthening and range-of-motion exercise programs suggest performing the exercises in sets of three to 10 repetitions, with each set repeated one to four times. No set number works for everyone. The number of repetitions is dependent on how well you feel. Too much activity, especially during a flare, can aggravate or worsen symptoms.
-Listen to body signals. A certain amount of discomfort during exercise is acceptable and expected. If pain lasts two hours or more after exercise, the body is signaling that the exercise session was too strenuous. Fewer repetitions should be performed until symptoms subside.
-If the joint feels hot, avoid exercise. Exercise can worsen swollen, tender, or warm joints. Modify your activity until arthritis symptoms are once again under control.
-Set realistic goals. Begin the exercise program with reasonable goals and the determination to gradually increase over time. -Too much, too soon can be harmful.
-Smooth, steady rhythm. Exercising and breathing should be coordinated. Avoid bouncing or jerky motions which can add stress to joints. Exercise in a smooth, steady rhythm and relax between repetitions.
-Alternate rest with activity. While activity is important in maintaining healthy joints, so is getting the appropriate amount of rest.

How Often Should People With Arthritis Exercise?
-Range-of-motion exercises can be done daily and should be done at least every other day.
-Strengthening exercises should be done every other day unless you have severe pain or swelling in your joints.
-Endurance exercises should be done for 20 to 30 minutes three times a week unless you have severe pain or swelling in your joints. According to the American College of Rheumatology, 20- to 30-minute exercise routines can be performed in increments of 10 minutes over the course of a day.

Exercises to Avoid if You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis
In general, you should be careful about activities that put a lot of stress on a joint, or are "high-impact," such as jogging, especially on paved roads, or heavy weight lifting.