So awhile back on Midday,I think when we were talking about how to avoid nighttime snacking, when trainer Lorilee mentioned reading fitness mags like Oxygen to keep yourself inspired. I didn't give it a second thought, until last night when I finally had a few minutes to flip through the Oxygen and the Runner's World mags I had bought in the last couple of weeks. Holy crap! Thinspiration! :) I thought it might be helpful to put a few images up around my kitchen, to remind myself of what I one day want to look like.
The first one is from Runner's World, and it's just a lean, fit runner... something to aspire to, and also, I want to go out running one day in a bra top! You'll notice I also strategically placed this woman's image next to the bag of rice cakes sitting in my cupboard (yes, I bought them again). "NO MORE USELESS CARBS" she yells at me! :)
The second one, I included because I needed some bikini inspiration for the summer. I actually think this woman is a bit too skinny for my liking (not to mention the boob job), but she does serve to remind me that the days of the two-piece are right around the corner. She is situated next to the box of Fibre 1 cereal... definitely a better carb than the rice cakes, but not as good as what I KNOW I should be eating with my egg whites in the morning... the dreaded steel-cut oatmeal ;)
The third one is more of my "ideal" look... she seems more athletic, with a little bit more meat on her bones. She looks like she authentically worked out to get her shape, unlike her blonde predecessor (she was in an ad pushing some supplement).
Anyway, the moral of the story is that if I want their rip-roaring abs and lean figures, I gotta get the HELL off the carb train. STAT!
p.s. putting on your bikini also helps with that whole 'motivation' thing. ick.
Happy de-carbing!
Wowzers, those photos are really unrealistic goals for the average person to acheive. The starvation and hours and hours of workouts needed to acheive that is beyond reach unless it's your job to look that way. For us morbidly obese biggest loser folks the idea of scary skinny boob job plastic surgery thinspiration is as far offas outter space, just normal and healthy would be good.
Of course, normal and healthy is awesome! I don't argue with you regarding the 'plastic-boob-jobiness,' as I mentioned in my post myself. I'm inspired more by the muscle and toning. I guess from what I've heard from our trainers who actually compete, there IS some level of 'starvation' involved when they get close to their competition date. But I think there's something to be said for the work they put in, the hours of training that you mention. I WISH I had that motivation. These photos were intended to remind me of how much work goes into sculpting one's body. Sorry if they offended you.
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