Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So yesterday, I was so proud of myself... basking in the glow of my remarkable running achievement... and surprised that aside from a little leg soreness, I really wasn't in pain!

I went to the gym, where our group worked our core with Mikkie. I felt so good afterward, I actually went upstairs and ran on the treadmill! I was astounded at how great I felt!!!!

And then I got up this morning. And I couldn't WALK.

I've been lumbering around like Frankenstein all day. Every part of me hurts... my arms, my back, my butt, my quads, my calves... but nothing worse than my hamstrings. Oof.

I managed to make it through my chest and triceps workout somehow, but man... I HURT.

Lesson learned: wait TWO days before bragging about how great you feel after achieving an intense physical feat... haha!!

Happy training!

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